Sunflower project 2010

We started our sunflower project on April 13 and tracked the progress for over 3 months through July while learning about seeds, plants and all things that grow. Bonus learning: Measure your child along with the sunflowers month by month, comparing your child's growth with the growth of the sunflowers. Explain the differences and similarities between how we drink water and use air and how a plant does. Explore WHY things grow, and also the different uses people and animals have for various kinds of plants.

planting the seeds

keeping a notebook



planting them outside with grandma

as tall as she is!

July 16... three months after starting the project

taller than she is!

"Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these." -Luke 12:27