For days that are NOT like today, I write this letter. For days when the kids and I do not wake up rested and content, with the house already tidy, I note this to you. I know things will not always go this smoothly, where I have the patience for the kids to help me cook their food and they have the appetite to eat it all. I know there won’t always be days where I am not distracted by phone calls, bills, or errands. For the days when school work is not fun, effortless, productive and impressive for everyone, I memo this as a referral. For the days when we don’t get outside, plant flowers with grandma, play tag, run with the dog, find sticks to dig with, practice on roller skates, and use the slide and swing set; read this letter and remember that some days we do.
As soon as tomorrow could be a day where both the kids aren’t napping at the same time or at all, and you won’t have time to make a nutritious, four-square meal for your family before your husband comes home from work. There will be days where your husband is too tired to take your daughter out bike riding after dinner. Read this letter whenever you have a day that doesn’t allow you quality one-on-one time with each of your children to laugh and listen to them and cherish it all. Days will come when your kids won’t be excited to brush their teeth when you told them to. There will be days when the kids don’t go to bed on time after making up stories, songs and thoughtful prayers. And tomorrow you may not have the energy after the kids are in bed to clean the dishes, talk with your husband and do some writing. Not every day is going to be as perfect as today was. But that is okay. Just read this letter and know that some days are. As rare as these days may come, they are pricelessly worth it all.
Blessed with Today Me
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